The Studio
At the core of our work is a commitment
to architectural ideas and realities that raise
the most ordinary of circumstances
to levels of joyous invention
and unexpected richness.
In our collaborative and cooperative process,
we choreograph program and process,
as well as movement, materials and light
to make buildings of refined scale
and studied proportion…
Led by Will Bruder, FAIA,
and building on his focused vision
and more than forty years
of professional experience,
the studio seeks to create original,
functionally poetic architecture,
interior designs,
and urban planning solutions
that celebrate the aspirations
of our clients
and that are appropriate
to the contexts
in which they inhabit…
Our buildings are designed
from the outside in
and the inside out
such that their form is a reflection
of spaces within
and never just form for form’s sake.
An authenticity of material choices
and rigorous detail resolution
carry the logic of ‘making’
and provide a weighted
connectedness to place…
We believe the only way
to achieve ‘rightness’,
and excellence
is through rigorous evolutionary listening
and questioning.
Our foundational efforts never lose sight
of a material’s potential,
the order of construction sequence,
the consequences of first cost
and long-term maintenance,
and the craftsman
and his tools.
This understanding is imbedded
in all our conceptual ideas
and is carried through
to each project’s detailed resolution,
offering sustainable
and enduring value
to the built environment…
We strive to create an architecture
that goes beyond the predictable
to one that offers experiences
and memories ripe
with intellectual challenge
and sensual delight;
one that invites all
who experience it to see the world
from a new
and different point of view.
will bruder architects